Saturday, September 22, 2007


I've been tagged by Batoul.
Assignment: Give meaning to these 15 words.

1. Loneliness: Unwanted solitude. And can only be changed by the individual by seeking what is missing in their lives and changing their situation or circumstance.
2. Fear: The greatest adversary. A consuming feeling that often is the preventor of opening new doors and trying new posibilities.

3. Love: The reason of all actions, thoughts, and things.
4. Work: A necessary strife for the betterment of life and needed for self- worth.
5. Perfection: Allah.
6. Beauty: An individual's idea/prespective of what aesthitcally pleases or attracts only them. Inner beauty is the content of a character and is (or can be) usually seen or felt by everyone.
7. Compatibility: A combination of mutual attraction and shared interests/ideas.
8. Home: Security, safety, love, and true identity.
9. Friendship: A connection of between people that is selective and based on trust, loyalty, and companionship. It is tested at times of sorrow and troubles, and beautiful at times of fun and lightheartedness.
10. Fun: A necessary release of stress and responsibility. Must be in balance with work to achieve happiness.
11. Faith: Islam. Truth and honesty and the feeling of security that life has a meaning and purpose.
12. Anger: A justifiable feeling that must be recognized and overcome. Oftentimes anger strains conversation/discussion, prespectives, peace and progress. Living in anger prohibits peace in one's life and strains relationships and prevents compromise and progress.
13. Future: A neutral unembellished canvas. Endless dreams and possiblities.

14. Eye language: The ultimate connection and the truest form of communication. Tongues can deceive, but the eyes will show the soul.
15. Books: Knowledge. A journey that doesn't need a plane ticket.


Maher said...

# 5 ..Wow! you got that right!

Dana said...

Thank you Maher!


ajamr said...

you should work as a dictionary...