Are good! It's okay to lie to yourself!!
Yea, I know you think I'm crazy... but think of how depressing the world would be if we looked it at they way it should be. The realism is too depressing. We would be in a constant state of dissarray. Afterall, its the people who have a very clear realistic idea of the world that are depressed. It would diminish the confidence we set in our goals. By thinking 'delusionally' -- life wouldn't be half bad.
For example... going into an exam thinking you will ace it, even if you didn't study for it is infinitely better because you have given yourself the delusion to thinking you will do well. You will feel more relaxed while taking the exam and probably do better on it than being nervous and thinking that you bomb it miserably. Maybe this simple act of deluding yourself will earn you several more points for the increased confidence and clear mindset you arranged for yourself.
Here's the link that explains it so much better.
So my friends.... endorse yourself with the highest self delusions around. It's the opposite mindset of "I can't do this". And it will make your getting through the long days that much more bearable.
It's a nice technique, but what if you got disappointed after using it? The disappointment would be doubled, so I say no expectations, no disappointments.
Well I guess yes, it's better to try something and be disappointed, than no trying it and wonder what would it be like!
I do "self-delusion" to a small extent, I rationalize more though lol. Listen Batoul... You gave it your best, you pulled a sleepless night to study theres nothing else you could have done.
But right, I can say yeah im ok :D everything is going smooth as the wedding date is approaching and im jsut so relaxed and happy...NOT! Dana helpppppppppppppp lol
Jasim: (:
Batoul: Lol.... You're delusional without the self part! haha, what you need woman? 7akani!
LOOL 7akeeni, yeahhh dandoon! gimme some arabic haha.. I honestly need a day off from home lol. I got the DJ, im trying to make CDs for the DJs. I still dont have a dress but im helping my bro shop for his suit lol. The house is being flipped upside down at a slow pace lol. Wedding dress is being altered to cover up some more. I need to make a program with exact timing of the whole event. Still working on wedding details like centerpeices so on. I havent booked a place for her to do hair/makeup yet lol. I promise I will NOT complicate things in the future and will have a very simple wedding. This crap is way too complicated for such little time. It better be fun. I'm gonna need help that night. I see it already lol
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