beckons the new day to pursue it.
The flame of its yellow glow warms me in the cool pre-autumn air,
as it presses against the the pale blue canvas of the dawn.
The purple sliver of night is in the distance
as the moon chases the darkness away.
Sweet slumber of the masses, and dreams sprinkled by the stars
are gathered in the moon's embrace...
As the magical golden dream catcher disappears over the horizon.

Image and writing do not do justice to the image etched in my mind.
masha Alah
very nice shot
nice picture
beautiful.... everything about it. Its screaming autumn! Why is my mind telling me this is hoboken or the image from the ferry, stop! I know its not lol.
Alas... I wish I took the picture! I found the it through a Google search! Its a picture from Sydney Australia... a place I think we should go! ;)
Batoul: thanks dear. :)
What a vivid description!
I know that this might sound irrelevant but:
Viva Adigas out there!
xtr lash.: Wepso for the compliment. ;) and hello to all Adyghes everywhere. I'm sure there are some in Australia. I know some in New Zealand!
*writes on "to go" list... Dann, this list is getting extremely long! We need to do something about that.
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