Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spin Out

February 3, 2009 at approximately 7.50pm:

I am going home from work. The roads are slick from today's snow and icy mix. My parents call me as I'm driving along Chamberlain Ave. They ask me, "Dana are you ok? Is everything all right? Be careful!" I quickly tell them I am driving slowly, that I am fine, and everything is okay. I make a left turn onto Cumberland Ave as Kanye West's song 'Streetlights' starts playing in my car. Slowly, I go down the slight descent. I'm extra vigilant for the potholes on the road. Up ahead I see someone (stupid guy) trudging in the snow along the right side of the road where there is no sidewalk. As soon as I pass the lone walker, I prepare myself to stop to make the right turn onto Union Blvd. That is when I spin out of control.

Its not as serious as it sounds. I did not panic. I stayed calm as I took my foot off the brake and try to steer away from the road and onto the side. Trixy made exactly one revolution before we stopped half a foot away from the street pole. I did not curse nor did I yell angry Adyghe words (like I usually do at the shids who should be taken off the roads and brought to the farms where they belong). When I stopped I see the lone walker 25 feet away from me, walking as nothing happened. I notice Trixy is perpendicular, blocking the road and I'm grateful that there are no cars around. I gently reverse, straighten my car and drive away.

Than I think of all my dear friends and family. And I thank God that none of them were with me. The absolute last thing I want to happen while anyone driving with me is endanger their lives. If you anyone rides with me and I happen to stop short because something sudden occurred in front of me, my skinny right arm automatically and reflexively reaches out to protect them. But if anyone were with me during this moment, I'm happy to know that they are with someone who doesn't panic under pressure and will make sure everyone will stay unhurt.

That is a promise and I will do everything in my power to keep it.
"Streetlights glowing,
happen to be
just like moments passing,
in front of me..."


XTR said...

lol @ "nor did I yell angry Adyghe words". Isn't it convenient to cuss in Adyghe sometimes? Especially when the people around you don't understand what you're saying.

I think you're absolutely right when it comes to endagering someone's life while you're driving. It's a huge responsibility to make sure that everyone's safe.

Good luck and may Allah protect you always

Anonymous said...

Dana it is a fucking game!