Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Time is valuable.
One minute you

Live it,
Experience it.
The next it
A memory, a photograph.
The past, the future,
All in one harmonious dream.
All are unknown except our
History, Memories, Stories.
Who we were,
What we thought,
Blending together in
The painting of Our Life.
Drawn in pencil,
Then painted in colors.
Our past, Dried, Unchanging,
Ahead, an unembellished neutral
White canvas.
What strokes?
What colors?
What shadows?
What light will reflect on it?
Will I be, In control?
Hopeful? Bleak?
Promising? Depressing?
Will it be
LLOONNGG or Short?
Many sketches,
Plans, drawn in pencil.
Which painters will help me
Choose the sketches of my life?
Which COLORS will
I use to paint the canvas...
The MURAL of M y L i f e ?

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