Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My competitive edge....

Maybe its the reason that I'm the oldest child in the family, or the constant pressure to be the best. I always heard that I must be the best in everything. It can be anything, physical or mental. I would constantly race my brother on our bikes or by foot, just to feel that I was the best. I was the best speller in my class. I was the fastest girl in the grade. I was among the top female athletes in gym class and would always be among the first to picked when choosing teams for a game of kick ball or prison dodge ball. It made me happy when I was best at different things.

This is something that I have carried throughout my life. If you really want me get to riled up, issue me challenge. I thrive when I work under pressure, because its a competition against the clock. If you want to get me going on a subject, I am very hard headed in the beliefs I hold the most dear, and will argue/compete to win over your opinion. I will rise up to the challenge and will strive to bring down whoever was daring to challenge me on it.

As riled up as I can get about any sort of challenge, I've been taught to lose gracefully and with dignity. Only recently, I've learned that its not about winning or losing a challenge but its how you meet adversity. It says a lot about your character. Is a challenge something that you embrace and not afraid to tackle, or is it something that makes you a hide behind a tree?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that "challenge factor" in me too :/ It has its good and bad.