Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cowardly Lion, No More


The Merriam- Webster dictionary defines it as the ability to conquer fear or despair.

I always thought I was brave. I thought I was in control of my life. But I wasn’t. I was only reacting to the things that happened to me. I felt inadequate to do anything for myself. I was not brave enough to be proactive of my own life. I tried to find what was stopping me. What was holding me back? I suffered personally, academically, socially, and even within my family circle. I was the Cowardly Lion.

I feared myself to be overcome by inspiration.
Thus I never realized my true potential.
I feared revealing my true emotions to anyone.
I’ll only hurt myself.
I feared failure towards reaching my goals.
My goals seem so distant and unreachable.
I feared losing anything that meant anything to me.
I’ll feel so forlorn.

But now, courage, I seek you.

With you, I’ll be focus on my dreams and my passions, without fear of failure.
With you, I’ll say ‘I love you’ when I feel love.
With you, I’ll say ‘fuck off’ when I want peace.
And I’ll understand the consequences, but I’ll stay true to my being.

With you, I’ll embrace any opportunity and try anything possible.
With you, I will not be shy to reject people and things that stand in the way of my goals.
With you, I won’t be afraid to stand by my views.
And I’ll defend them and re-examine them regularly.

I do not have any other option.
This yellow brick road is mine.
Don’t hide from me now,…
Courage, I’ll find you.

And when you don't elude me any longer,
I won't allow desertion.


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Quant said...

Always Forward - Never Quit!!

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