Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shooting Star, Адыгэ псо

On April 13, 2011 - 11:37pm EST...

Coming home from the Circassian Cultural Institute's lecture on state building in Kabardino- Balkaria, I saw a shooting star. I got happy. I felt blessed. Naturally, I made a wish, that my soul has said so many times waiting to be sealed by an event that is rare, beautiful and awe-inspiring. I do not know when, or if, I will ever witness something like that moment again.

Moments like a shooting star allow room for reflection.

Every Adyghe (or at least most) has a wish, a dream, a desire for a home, a country, a Circassia, to call their own. Yet, are we really exposing our thoughts and souls to each other? To the world? A few are and I applaud them.

So, I call on ALL Circassians to begin this discussion now. We must not be speechless when our amazing shooting star moment arrives.

Адыгэ псо.


adam said...

Very impressive stuff. Thanks for sharing

Fischt said...

very nice meanings